祝賀我們的 Cornubia 住宅地皮,成功由 1 分成 4 細分及取得開發批准。地皮將於 2023 年第三季度準備就緒,四位幸運買家將享受距離 M1 僅 2 分鐘路程的便利位置,享受在 25 分鐘內前往布里斯班市中心及45 分鐘內前往黃金海岸世界知名的衝浪者天堂之便利。
Congratulations to the successful development approval of 1 into 4 subdivision in our Cornubia residential site. The title will be ready by Q3 2023. Four lucky buyers will enjoy the convenient location just 2 mins away from the M1. Allowing the travel to Brisbane City within 25 mins and 45 mins to the world known Surfer Paradise in Gold Coast.
Contact us for an obligation free consultation

The application of reconfiguration lot of 1 into 3 lots is undergoing with Logan City Council. The future three separate lots are with duplex potentials and ensure the double rental income by building a duplex. Each of them enjoys around 600 sqm of valuable land size and are targeted to be settled in Q1 2024.
It enjoys the easy access to M1 which runs along the Brisbane and Gold Coast. The location is also within walking distance to the largest shopping mall within the local area, Hyperdome Shoping mall.
項目正在申請將 1 個地皮重新配置為 3 塊地皮。未來的三個獨立地皮具有建築復式別墅之潛力,雙重租金確保豐厚之投資回報,而每個地塊都坐擁約 600 平方米的寶貴土地面積, 土地目標於 2024 年第一季度交割。
住户可輕鬆沿著 M1 前往布里斯班市中心及南下往黃金海岸來個短暫假期。當地的大型購物中心亦近在咫尺。