

南東昆士蘭區域計劃是什麼? 從公共基礎設施到住房規劃和變化中的人口,草案《塑造SEQ 2023》更新將指導未來幾十年一個區域的發展。




















What is the South East Queensland regional plan?

From public infrastructure to planning for housing and changing populations, the draft ShapingSEQ 2023 update will guide the development of an area for decades to come.

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Read time: 3 minutes

South East Queensland is one of Australia’s fastest growing regions. The South East Queensland Regional Plan plays a crucial role in how growth is managed and how your say can help shape the future for many generations to come.

Where, what and who does the South East Queensland Regional Plan cover?

South East Queensland (SEQ) covers an area consisting of 12 local government areas including Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba.

The area continues to experience significant population growth, and the way we live and work is changing rapidly. By 2036, the state’s population is expected to climb by 20 per cent; that’s more than one million new Queenslanders.

It’s not hard to see why SEQ is a go-to destination. The area offers an incredible lifestyle and a strong economy  that supports plenty of jobs and business opportunities.

How do we plan for Queensland’s growth?

Given the rapid growth, there is a huge demand to address the challenges associated with managing and shaping the future development of the SEQ region.

This is where the regional plan comes into play. ShapingSEQ, acts as a strategic framework to manage growth and enable sufficient housing supply (and choice) across the region.

To make the most of the opportunities that growth provides and ensure there is enough housing – and the right housing – for everyone, it is critical that we plan for it in the right way. We must lay strong foundations for economic development and liveable communities that will meet the future needs of our growing and changing population.

Sustainable development

One of the major objectives of the South East Queensland Regional Plan is to promote sustainable development.

Sustainable development means that the immediate needs for housing, infrastructure and transport are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The South East Queensland Regional Plan will focus on creating a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being to ensure a high quality of life for current and future Queenslanders.

Not just housing…

The substantial population growth across the region means careful planning to accommodate housing, infrastructure, and public services.

ShapingSEQ not only takes into account land supply, growth challenges, and demand for diverse housing options but it also seeks to protect our beautiful rich, natural resources such national parks, cultural sites and World Heritage-listed areas by designating conservation areas and promoting responsible land use practices.

A well-connected and efficient transportation network is also vital to sustain the region’s growth. That’s why an efficient Regional Plan captures need for integrated transport planning, including public transport, cycling and walking paths, and road networks. Such measures reduce congestion, enhance connectivity, and limit environmental impacts.

How about the economy?

A Regional Plan also recognises the importance of fostering economic growth and job creation throughout the region. It encourages the development of diverse industries, including innovation hubs, attracting investment to Queensland, and supporting small businesses to ensure a strong and resilient economy.

Have your say about ShapingSEQ

The draft ShapingSEQ 2023 update has now been release and is open for public consultation. It’s now more important than ever to have your say and ensure that ShapingSEQ best represents the interests of your local community.

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