
ANP 專門銷售澳洲各大城市物業,包括精品開發及大型城市開發項目。我們充當買家和開發商之間的仲介,採購優質房地產以滿足投資者各樣需求;幫助客戶駕馭房地產市場,建立投資組合,做出明智決定。











推動布里斯班土地開發的另一個因素是該市強勁的經濟,吸引了本地和國際開發商的投資。這座城市擁有蓬勃發展的建築業,許多重大項目正在進行中,包括新建住宅和商業建築,以及跨河鐵路項目等交通基礎設施。不容忽視,2032 年奧運主辦權將帶來的經濟效益。

總的來說,布里斯班的土地開發是一個複雜而動態的過程,涉及許多不同因素的相互影響,包括土地本身之屬性、大小、政府政策、市場需求和資源可用性。儘管面臨挑戰,這座城市仍在繼續發展和發展,ANP 將會為你發掘一系列的土地投資和發展機會。   

Our Speciality in Brisbane

Land development in Brisbane, Australia’s third-largest city, refers to the process of converting raw land into functional and usable properties such as land subdivision, residential and commercial buildings, infrastructure, and public spaces. 

In recent years, Brisbane has experienced significant growth in its population, leading to increased demand for housing, retail, and commercial spaces. The local government has responded by implementing policies and plans to support land development, such as the Brisbane City Plan 2014, which guides the city’s urban planning and development. 

One of the main drivers of land development in Brisbane is the city’s population growth, which has led to an increase in demand for new housing and infrastructure. The government is working to encourage sustainable and responsible development by implementing policies that promote high-density, mixed-use developments, and the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. 

Another factor contributing to land development in Brisbane is the city’s strong economy, which has attracted investment from both local and international developers. The city is home to a thriving construction industry, with a number of major projects underway, including the construction of new residential and commercial buildings, as well as transportation infrastructure such as the Cross River Rail project. It won the Olympic 2032 and worth to consider the economic growth due to this global event. 

Overall, land development in Brisbane is a complex and dynamic process that involves the interaction of many different factors, including government policies, market demand, and the availability of resources. Despite the challenges, the city continues to grow and evolve, ANP is offering a range of opportunities for investment and development. 

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