昆士蘭政府:人口正在增長 看看這是一件好事的原因





這些新的昆士蘭人是誰,他們從哪裡來? 人口增長數據分為三大類:自然增長、國際遷移和州際遷移。






人口增長的好處是什麼? 如果處理得當,人口增長可以成為讓一個州從好住處變成絕佳住處的火花。昆士蘭人已經熱愛我們偉大社區的心脈和特色以及我們令人難以置信的生活方式,所以我們確保我們的州以正確的方式增長,以增強我們的社區和支持我們的生活方式。


更多的教育和健康設施 創新的零碳社區,如Carseldine Village零碳社區和Songbird Oxley零碳社區 更多令人興奮的公園和綠地 有影響力的基礎設施和投資框架 為我們的數字連接性未來證明的計劃 更多企業、工作和職業機會。 我們有國家規劃、基礎設施和投資框架,旨在確保增長增強我們的社區和地區,改善昆士蘭人的生活、工作和娛樂方式。

所有新的昆士蘭人將住在哪裡? 隨著人口顯著增長,需要以可負擔的價格提供更多住房。知道我們的人口將繼續增長,讓我們有機會以前所未有的方式思考昆士蘭的「家」概念。


人口增長對環境有好處嗎? 我們為未來十年設定了雄心勃勃的可再生能源目標,你可能想知道我們計劃如何在所有這些額外的人加入的情況下達成它們。



更多關於昆士蘭人口增長的信息 想要跟踪昆士蘭的人口增長及我們的規劃情況嗎?你可以閱讀我們所有關於規劃的博客,找到關於全州住房供應和規劃的信息,瀏覽我們的區域計劃以了解你所在地區的情況,或查看我們正在進行的基礎設施計劃。

The population of Queensland is growing – here’s why that’s a good thing

Population growth often gets a bad rap, but here in Queensland we’re seizing the opportunities that growth brings to make a better Queensland for all.

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所有交易須於3月31日前完成,涉及價格談判、法律程序、貸款審批等多個環節,請立即聯絡的ANP買家中介,把握最後機會! 📩

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Queensland’s population is set to boom in the coming decades, growing from the current 5.4 million to between 6.4 and 8.27 million by 2046.

It’s no wonder people want to live here; we have great weather, amazing natural environments, world-class cities and vibrant regional hubs. Queensland is also the place to be for jobs in the new industries that are leading the charge in decarbonisation.

We know that a growing population is an opportunity to invest in public infrastructure and innovation. In Queensland, we’re putting plans in place to make the most of growth for the benefit of all Queenslanders.

Who are all these new Queenslanders and where are they coming from?

Population growth numbers are broken down into three groups: natural increase, international migration and interstate migration.

A large chunk of the people making our population grow aren’t moving here at all. Natural population increase happens when more people in a population are born than die over a period of time.

With our increasing medical knowledge, great health system and generally healthy lifestyles, older generations of Queenslanders are living longer than ever before, while new generations are being added at the same time. Over the next ten years, we’re expecting a natural population increase of about 261,000. This means that while our population is growing, it’s also changing, and we’ll need new jobs, services and infrastructure to serve different demographics.

International migration accounts for people who arrive from overseas to call Queensland home. After taking a dip when borders closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Queensland’s international migration levels are set to average 27,000 people per year over the next decade.

Interstate migration counts people who have arrived from other states. We saw an influx of interstate migration during the pandemic, as people from the southern states chose to call Queensland home, and will see a steady flow of interstate migration over the next decade.

Over the next decade, population growth in Queensland will comprise 30% from natural growth, with 30% growth from internal arrivals and 40% from international migration. Interested in digging into the data? The Centre for Population forecasts expected population growth across Australian states and territories, including a capital city and regional breakdown.

What are the benefits of population growth?

When handled well, a growing population can be the spark that makes a state go from a good place to live to a great one. Queenslanders already love the heart and character of our great communities and our incredible lifestyle, so we’re making sure our state grows in the right way, to enhance our communities and support our lifestyle.

This looks like using growth as a reason to create:

We have state planninginfrastructure and investment frameworks    in place that aim to make sure growth enhances our communities and regions, improving the way Queenslanders live, work and play.


Where will all the new Queenslanders live?

With significant population growth comes the need for more homes at affordable rates. Knowing that our population is set to continue growing provides us with the opportunity to think about the idea of ‘home’ in Queensland in a different way than we have before.

We’re paving the way for current and future Queenslanders to have access to a wider range of housing than before, looking at where development can happen in existing residential areas to create a more diverse offering or where land can be opened up for new homes. Find out more about how we’re planning for a range of housing across the state, addressing the question of building in or out, and what our Housing Supply Expert Panel think are the greatest opportunities for housing in Queensland in the coming years.

Can population growth be good for the environment?

We’ve set ambitious renewable energy targets for the coming decade, and you might be wondering how we’re planning to meet them with all these extra people on board.

Our growing population is one of the key drivers in our plan to decarbonise Queensland’s industries and economy. It’s going to take a massive effort to build and operate all the renewable energy infrastructure we need for a green Queensland, and that includes thousands of jobs for Queenslanders.

A thriving economy is necessary to see through these kinds of gutsy projects, and a thriving population is the key to that.

More information about Queensland’s growing population

Want to keep track of Queensland’s population growth and how we’re planning for it? You can read all of our blogs tackling planning, find information about housing supply and planning across the state, peruse our regional plans to see what’s on the cards for your area or check out our ongoing infrastructure plans.

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