ANP 專門銷售澳洲各大城市物業,包括精品開發及大型城市開發項目。我們充當買家和開發商之間的仲介,採購優質房地產以滿足投資者各樣需求;幫助客戶駕馭房地產市場,建立投資組合,做出明智決定。


Project Management

專業城市規劃 推動地皮開發
布里斯班是澳大利亞第三大城市。近年來,布里斯班的人口顯著增長,導致對住房、零售和商業空間的需求增加。當地政府通過實施政策和計劃來支持土地開發,例如指導城市規劃和發展的布里斯班城市規劃2014。 布里斯班土地開發的主要驅動力之一是城市人口增長,這導致對新住房和基礎設施的需求增加。政府正在努力通過實施促進高密度、混合用途開發和保護環境敏感地區的政策來鼓勵可持續和負責任的發展。 推動布里斯班土地開發的另一個因素是該市強勁的經濟,吸引了本地和國際開發商的投資。這座城市擁有蓬勃發展的建築業,許多重大項目正在進行中,包括新建住宅和商業建築,以及跨河鐵路項目等交通基礎設施。不容忽視,2032 年奧運主辦權將帶來的經濟效益。 總的來說,布里斯班的土地開發是一個複雜而動態的過程,涉及許多不同因素的相互影響,包括土地本身之屬性、大小、政府政策、市場需求和資源可用性。儘管面臨挑戰,這座城市仍在繼續發展和發展,ANP 將會為你發掘一系列的土地投資和發展機會。

Leading with Expertise to Create Values
Our Professional Team
At ANP, we take pride in our multidisciplinary team of seasoned professionals, including town planners, real estate experts, land development consultants, lawyers, bankers, registered migration agents, and market analysts in both Australia and Hong Kong. Our end-to-end services—from insightful market research to seamless development management—empower our clients to achieve sustained growth and maximize their real estate investment potential.

Licensed Real Estate Agent
Jeff is a seasoned professional in the real estate industry with extensive knowledge of Australian communities. His experience spans both residential and commercial property investments, giving him a deep understanding of market trends, property valuations, and investment strategies.

Dawn is a qualified town planner who expertly integrates real estate development with planning knowledge. She customizes strategic development projects based on regional characteristics and client goals. Dawn not only addresses current needs but also anticipates future changes, ensuring that projects hold long-term value while shaping impactful real estate developments.

Andy brings cross-media digital design and marketing expertise from both Hong Kong and Australia, connecting the latest real estate trends with diverse Chinese and English-speaking communities across Australia. His professional visual communication highlights the strengths of ANP’s real estate projects, working collaboratively with the team and clients to create visionary and valuable developments.